Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gym Today :(

Kinda sad I might not be able to go to the gym today. The one near my house that I go to has weird hours and I have to go to a luncheon during the whole time it will be open :/

Also, I've started to notice that now, if I'm going to pay for gym, I need to care even more about that I put into my body. No point in undoing all my work over one poor food choice.


Pretty good day today. Went to an art museum to see a painting I've wanted to see for a couple of months. Rest of the exhibit was fantastic as well. My dad which was fun. Appetite was all over the place today. Super hungry for lunch and diner but after I made dinner and had a couple of bites, I wasn't hungry. I had eaten pretty light all day so that was kind of bummer. Now, I'm hungry again, but it's too late to eat. I also wanted to go the gym today, but I didn't realize it closed super early. Bummer.... but that's ok. I'm proud of myself for getting up and putting on clothes when I didn't want to. On the bright side, I got my social media sites running the way I wanted to today, so I'm pretty proud of myself right now haha.

B+ Grade
677 Calories
-1351 Net Cals
26 Points
5 Goals

3 Life Fails Today

1. Gym closed earlier than I thought (made me angry) 
2 Pizza joint didn't do cheese-less pizza by the slice (made my cry on the inside)
3. Went the whole day thinking I didn't have veggies in the fridge (made me lol)

....I always have veggies in the house 

Today has been full of lols