
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Smile |
Skinny Legs + Dresses another goal of mine is to put on a dress and not have my legs touching |
I Hate You Scale..... :/
The number is starting to creep back up.
Salt intake has a been a little high lately.
That BETTER be the reason why........
Salt intake has a been a little high lately.
That BETTER be the reason why........
Thin Outfit I fill like you need to at least be in shape before you can step outside in this outfit! |
Motivation Pic
I dont really know how motivating it is for me to see pics of thin people. I dont even think I want to be a small as them.
Waking up every morning and staring at myself in the mirror does more for me than looking at pics of other people.
I dont want to be like them.
I just want to be a thinner, healthier, fit me.
Waking up every morning and staring at myself in the mirror does more for me than looking at pics of other people.
I dont want to be like them.
I just want to be a thinner, healthier, fit me.
O.o I dont think I want to get to the point where I can do this, but.... |
I just had a late LATE snack.
I'm upset bc I can usually controll myself.
I wanted something sweet (i wanted one of those slim-a-bear klondike bar to be exact) like an hr ago be we ran out.....but i still wanted something sweet.
It's no that the oatmeal is bad is just that's its late and in theory, I would need to stay up to like midnight to try and burn some of this off, which means that I wont get enough sleep.
I that feel like now that i've gotten my eating habits under control, when i go do stuff like this, it makes me feel like i've just binged....and CLEARLY I haven't
; (
I wish i had more jello..... it's sweet like a treat, but sweet enough to the point that it's almost too sweet to eat a whole serving size at one time. A whole box is only 40 calories and I can usually make that last throughout a whole day
I'm upset bc I can usually controll myself.
I wanted something sweet (i wanted one of those slim-a-bear klondike bar to be exact) like an hr ago be we ran out.....but i still wanted something sweet.
It's no that the oatmeal is bad is just that's its late and in theory, I would need to stay up to like midnight to try and burn some of this off, which means that I wont get enough sleep.
I that feel like now that i've gotten my eating habits under control, when i go do stuff like this, it makes me feel like i've just binged....and CLEARLY I haven't
; (
I wish i had more jello..... it's sweet like a treat, but sweet enough to the point that it's almost too sweet to eat a whole serving size at one time. A whole box is only 40 calories and I can usually make that last throughout a whole day
Don't Worry I hadn't planned on it ;) |
It Ain't Never Gonna Be a Doorway..... |
Jiliian Michaels: Keep Going |
Mini Pizzas
this is even better than what i've been doing!
mini meals
Jillian's Fitness Cover <3 |
Maybe I'll By This Book: The New Rules of Lifting for Women
This book is one that is not often discussed in the diet/exercise world. Throughout my whirlwind of different diets, this is the one that gave me the body that I was satisfied with.
What it is: An exercise regimine broken down into 7 stages. Now don’t freak out, but the exercises focus mainly on WEIGHT TRAINING, with the only cardio being High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a few times per week in certain stages. NO, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TURN INTO MUSCLE WOMAN. It battles the misconception that women need to spend hours on the treadmil to get the results that they want. It gives you a vague meal plan to follow which is open to interpretation.
What I did: I followed the stages exactly, I only made it to stage 5 then school started and I fell away from this. I also at around 1350-1400 calories instead of the reccommended 1600. Lastly, I added an extra hour or so of cardio into the routine, doing it only on days I wasn’t following the routine.
Who should do it: I would reccomment this for girls at the goal weight, or ones with 30 pounds or less to lose. It isn’t for girls that are scared to lift weights. It’s for girls who don’t mind hangin’ with the boys at the gym.
My results: When I was following this I dropped about 12 pounds to my UGW of 116lbs. I had a seriously flat stomach and I never thought that was possible on my body type. This book is no joke.
Where to buy it: borders, barnes and noble,
These days, it seems like everyone is hopping up on the fiber bandwagon. Fiber bars, fiber added to childrens’ cereal, fiber added to yogurt, fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber. I’ll be the first to admit that fiber is super important in your diet. It keeps you full and regular, if you know what I mean. It is a major factor in weight loss and weight maintenance.
The point that I am trying to make with this article is that just because you throw fiber in something doesn’t mean that it is magically healthy. First I will begin with fiber childrens’ cereals. Apple Jack’s - NOW WITH FIBER. 1 cup of Apple Jack’s cereal has 3g of fiber and 13g of sugar. When the sugar content is 4x that of the fiber content, it is not a superfood nor is it any healthier than beofre,
The next thing is one of the biggest misconceptions ever - Fiber Bars. They are everywhere lately. Fiber Plus, Fiber One, Fiber One Brownies, Quaker Bars with Fiber the list goes on. Just because these bars contain fiber doesn’t mean that you should eat 2 of them instead of a meal and now your on your way to awesome health. Fiber one bars have 29g of carbs, 9g of fiber, and 10g of sugar. Yes, that is a lot of fiber, but why should you have to eat all of those empty carbs just to get some fiber. They also have 1.5g of saturated fat. Now that isn’t a crazy amount of fat, but wouldn’t you rather get your fat content from nuts or olive oil or anything that isn’t a sugary bar + fiber.
Bottom line is that these bars should be used as special treats not multiple daily snacks unless you literally have no better option.
It’s not secret that Fiber One is throwing fiber into anything to increase consumerism. Fiber Cottage cheese… seriously?! Does it seem natural at all that there would be fiber in cottage cheese? No. So here is a list of NATURAL ways to get fiber that are delicious and not loaded with unnatural sugars…
1. broccoli - 1 cup gives you 5g carbs, 2g fiber, 4g protein
2. apples - 1 medium one packs 5g or natural fiber
3. pears - 1 medium has 5g of fiber
4. Whole Wheat Bread - The amount of fiber varies per brand, but as long as you know it’s 100% whole wheat, you’re gonna find a substancial amount of fiber.
5. Fat Free Refried Beans - These are awesome. They are completely versatile and can be made into a salad topper, a dip, anything! 1/2 cup has 4g of fiber.
6. raspberrries - 1 cup has 8g of fiber… throw some on your yogurt or cereal!
7. peas - 1 cup has 8.8g of fiber
8. cereal - I know the low sugar cereals can taste bland, but they are packed with fiber and you can spice it up by adding fresh fruit or a drop of honey.
So be smart about it, ladies and gentlemen. If I threw fiber into a hot fudge sundae would you fall for it? Think about what you’re eating past the headlines on the front of the box!
P.S. 25-30g of fiber is a great target for your daily fiber needs!
I disagree about the oatmeal bit, but i like the post
Celeb Inspiration: HAYDEN PANETIERRE
I decided to do a weekly shoutout to a celeb that has an awesome body and has great diet and exercise habits. The first celeb feature is the beautiful… HAYDEN PANETIERRE!
With her girl-next-door additude and body to match, Hayden represents what a quality diet and workout regime yields. Short and petite, Hayden uses strength training to maintain her feminine curves.
She hits the gym 3-5x per week with her hollywood trainer. Like most of us, Hayden dislikes certain aspects of her workout. The 2 things she dislikes most? The stairmaster, and bicep curls! Sometimes you have to power through things to get the results you want. She makes sure to hit all body parts everytime she has a session.
Her out of gym workout of choice? Hiking in the hollywood hills with friends.
Hayden has youth and a fast metabolism on her side, so she maintains a healthy balanced diet and doesn’t deprive herself by allowing a weekly treat. |
Running Downhill is a Privilege |
food for thought,
This is Why I Work Out....This.... Right Here.... I WILL Get This |
Eat some damn nuts, really.
Nuts can be intimidating for dieters. I was always weary of them at first. 18 little almonds is already 100 calories. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter is 100 calories. How the hell are these tiny foods taking up so much of my calorie budget and why would I want to eat them when I can have a bag of popcorn for the same calorie amount.
Well ladies and gentleman, nuts are fucking important. Yes they are little and caloric and full of fat. 1 gram of fat is 9 calories. That is a lot compared to 1g of carbs/protein which is only 4 calories. However, eating nuts can open up some doors that you wouldn’t even believe.
First of all nuts contain all sorts of healthy unsaturated fats. These fats kick ass because unless you are eating some fat, your body isn’t going to want to LOSE any fat. So eat (healthy) fat to lose fat. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Nuts also tell your body that it is full faster. This is partially due to the protein and fiber of the nut and partially due to the fats.
The trick to eating nuts is knowing portion control and the right types of ways to eat nuts.
Almonds - 18 of em is 100 calories
Walnuts - 6 halves = 80 calories
Pistachios - 1/4 cup is 170 calories
Peanuts - 35 pieces are 170 calories
Emerald sells 100 calorie packs of nuts that are awesome! They come in great flavors such as cocoa roast and dry roast. You can also buy nuts in bulk and portion them out yourself into sandwich bags.
BEWARE: Peanut butter is another awesome way to consume nuts. The problem with peanut butter is that you should ONLY be eating natural peanut butter. 100% natural. That’s it. Other brands have added sugars, fillers, and EWWW HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. I don’t know why they take something so healthy and turn it into shit then market it to kids and families. Don’t fall for it, buy natural. You will know it is natural because the oil seperates. Stir it up and measure out 1tbs or 2 to add to another healthy treat!
P.S. Almond butter is freaking delicious as well - 100 calories per tablespoon.
So become one with the unsaturated fat and your fat will start to melt away.
CLEAN EATING: Recipes by category
CLEAN EATING: Recipes by category
from move it & lose it
- 5 Ingredient Recipes – these recipes have 5 or less ingredients
- All American
- Appetizers
- Asian
- Basics
- Beverages
- Breads
- Breakfast
- Candy
- Casseroles
- Christmas Recipes
- Clean Eating 101
- Clean Eating “Sickies”
- Clean Eating Gifts
- Clean Living
- Clean Eating Kids
- Clean Eating Travel
- Cookies
- Craving Busters
- Crock Pot Recipes
- Dairy Free
- Dessert
- Dude Food
- Easter Recipes
- Finger Food
- Freezer Meals
- Fruits
- German
- Gluten Free Recipes
- Grab-N-Go
- Grains
- Halloween Recipes
- Home & Garden (not recipes, just projects that help with clean eating)
- Ice Cream
- Indian
- Italian
- Meats
- Mexican Food
- Muffins
- No Sugar Challenge
- No Sugar Challenge Breads
- No Sugar Challenge Breakfasts
- No Sugar Challenge Desserts
- No Sugar Challenge Dressings, Dips and Sauces
- No Sugar Challenge Lunches or Dinners
- No Sugar Challenge Smoothies
- No Sugar Challenge Snacks
- No Sugar Challenge Soups and Stews
- Nut-Free Recipes
- Oatmeal Recipes
- One – Pot Recipes
- Pasta
- Pizza
- Protein Bars
- Quiché
- Quick Meals
- Recipe Redo
- Recipe Roundups
- Rubs & Seasoning Blends
- Salad Dressings
- Salads
- Salsa
- Sandwiches
- Sauces & Gravy
- Seafood
- Shakeology Recipes
- Side Dishes
- Smoothies
- Snacks
- Soups & Stews
- Southern Food
- Spreads & Dips
- Squash
- Thanksgiving Recipes
- Trader Joe’s Recipes (Recipes I created using ingredients from Trader Joe’s)
- Vegan
- Vegetables
- Vegetarian
- Videos
How to enjoy a small treat without binging
Most of you that have been dieting know what a binge is like. That awful feeling after knowing you’ve gained at least 5 pounds in food weight. This feeling is so awful that most of us avoid trigger foods in order to prevent a binge.
Sometimes allowing yourself a small treat once in a while can actually prevent full on binges because you aren’t feeling deprived. So how do you enjoy your small treat without going off of the deep end? It’s simple. Eat it in the middle of your meal.
When we begin a meal with a treat we connect that treat to feeling satisfied and happy. When we eat it at the end the thought of what you just ate stays lingering in your mind.
Try eating half of your meal, having your treat slowly, then finishing off your meal. The craving to binge is reduced significantly.
A great treat? A few ounces of dark chocolate.
Oh and if you are reading this at home, crank out 100 crunches right now. Why not? ;)
Crazy Healthy Cereal
A recipe for when you just wanna eat something!
Have you ever sat up at night, unable to sleep because you are flat out starving but you already had your daily calorie allowance? Well fear those long restless nights no more because this bowl of cereal will fill you up and calorie wise, is NBD.
It is composed of 3 simple ingredients, and it is A LOT food. Seriously, it’s like your splurging but you aren’t. Plus it has two awesome qualities - FIBER and VOLUME!

The three ingredients are:
1/4 cup fiber one cereal (the original kind)
2 cups puffed kamat (or if you can’t find that puffed wheat or puffed rice will suffice)
2/3 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (this is a low cal STAPLE, it is 40 calories per cup and so much more delicious than regular milk)
Directions - Put all three ingredients in a bowl, then eat it.
157 calories, 2.51g of fat (fat comes from the almond milk, so it’s GOOD fat), 35.84g carbs, 11.67g fiber, 6g protein, 0g sugar!
These impressive stats make it perfect for late night, pre workout, or to hold you over until your next meal.
I realize that this is kind of a bland bowl of cereal. If you’re really that much of a picky eater then you can jazz it up by adding some splenda, berries, cinnamon or even a drizzle of honey if you’re feeling it.
It is composed of 3 simple ingredients, and it is A LOT food. Seriously, it’s like your splurging but you aren’t. Plus it has two awesome qualities - FIBER and VOLUME!
The three ingredients are:
1/4 cup fiber one cereal (the original kind)
2 cups puffed kamat (or if you can’t find that puffed wheat or puffed rice will suffice)
2/3 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (this is a low cal STAPLE, it is 40 calories per cup and so much more delicious than regular milk)
Directions - Put all three ingredients in a bowl, then eat it.
157 calories, 2.51g of fat (fat comes from the almond milk, so it’s GOOD fat), 35.84g carbs, 11.67g fiber, 6g protein, 0g sugar!
These impressive stats make it perfect for late night, pre workout, or to hold you over until your next meal.
I realize that this is kind of a bland bowl of cereal. If you’re really that much of a picky eater then you can jazz it up by adding some splenda, berries, cinnamon or even a drizzle of honey if you’re feeling it.
Funny & True: "Magazines say the dumbest s**t sometimes"
Magazines say the dumbest shit sometimes.
So over the past 4 years, I have accumulated somewhere around 150 magazines regarding health and fitness etc. These include Shape, Self, Womens Health, Fitness RX, HERS Fitness, Oxygen, Women’s World and many more. I even would read the health portions of Seventeen and Cosmopolitan just to see what they had to say.
These ones I found are the most reliable: Oxygen, HERS Fitness, and Womens Health. Shape was iffy, and Self, Seventeen, Women’s World and Cosmo were sometimes just straight up crazy.
What to expect in Self that is ridiculous: The health section in this magazine often features “smart swaps” in restaurant foods that will help you lose pounds in a year. This includes things such as swapping out a 650 calorie sandwich for the 400 calorie sandwich even though the other sandwich may be made with less nutritional ingredients or it is simply smaller. Then it claims you can lose 10 pounds in a year by making that simple swap. Guess what. Unless you are counting the calories in your day to make sure that you don’t add in those 250 elsewhere and eating that same damn sandwich everyday, those ten pounds aren’t going anywhere.
What to expect in Seventeen: I understand why Seventeen has a dilemma. They need to appeal to girls of all sizes and activity levels. They can’t just straight up tell girls to cut calories incase girls that shouldn’t are reading. However, they shouldn’t be dishing out the false hope that if you do a 15 minute routine of ass workouts and make a veggie pizza as an after school snack that you will have a rockin’ body by prom! It’s okay to not promote dieting, but be realistic Seventeen.
Cosmo: I love , love, LOVE Cosmo. However I do not read it for their health tips. They kind of mix the Seventeen approach with the Self approach. They usually reccommend low cal cocktails and a few arm workouts and tell women that they will have great arms in a flash! Well spot reducing isn’t possible Cosmo, the body loses weight evenly. So promote full body workouts next time. Also don’t forget that no matter how low cal your cocktail is, alcohol is empty calories so should be used sparingly. If a women finds out that her cocktail is half of the calories, that’s just more of a reason for her to have 2 or 3. It is important to mention that low cal doesn’t mean consume a lot more!
Women’s Day: Women’s Day is generally targeted towards older women, which makes it all the more ridiculous. The cover story is ALWAYS some crazy ass detox diet that will lose 20 pounds. The worst part is that every single month it’s the same thing inside the article. They give you a 1200-1300 calorie diet to follow and some sort of exercise plan. YES! That is the key to losing weight! It’s too bad they promote it by saying the beets in your morning smoothie will flush out 2lbs per day. They were so close to having it right, then they inject it with so much false hope that women are guaranteed to give up in a week.
So my point is, when you are reading these magazines that aren’t mostly or all focused towards health and fitness (like OXYGEN! it’s AMAZING AND IMFORMATIVE!), don’t take the crazy tips to heart.
These ones I found are the most reliable: Oxygen, HERS Fitness, and Womens Health. Shape was iffy, and Self, Seventeen, Women’s World and Cosmo were sometimes just straight up crazy.
What to expect in Self that is ridiculous: The health section in this magazine often features “smart swaps” in restaurant foods that will help you lose pounds in a year. This includes things such as swapping out a 650 calorie sandwich for the 400 calorie sandwich even though the other sandwich may be made with less nutritional ingredients or it is simply smaller. Then it claims you can lose 10 pounds in a year by making that simple swap. Guess what. Unless you are counting the calories in your day to make sure that you don’t add in those 250 elsewhere and eating that same damn sandwich everyday, those ten pounds aren’t going anywhere.
What to expect in Seventeen: I understand why Seventeen has a dilemma. They need to appeal to girls of all sizes and activity levels. They can’t just straight up tell girls to cut calories incase girls that shouldn’t are reading. However, they shouldn’t be dishing out the false hope that if you do a 15 minute routine of ass workouts and make a veggie pizza as an after school snack that you will have a rockin’ body by prom! It’s okay to not promote dieting, but be realistic Seventeen.
Cosmo: I love , love, LOVE Cosmo. However I do not read it for their health tips. They kind of mix the Seventeen approach with the Self approach. They usually reccommend low cal cocktails and a few arm workouts and tell women that they will have great arms in a flash! Well spot reducing isn’t possible Cosmo, the body loses weight evenly. So promote full body workouts next time. Also don’t forget that no matter how low cal your cocktail is, alcohol is empty calories so should be used sparingly. If a women finds out that her cocktail is half of the calories, that’s just more of a reason for her to have 2 or 3. It is important to mention that low cal doesn’t mean consume a lot more!
Women’s Day: Women’s Day is generally targeted towards older women, which makes it all the more ridiculous. The cover story is ALWAYS some crazy ass detox diet that will lose 20 pounds. The worst part is that every single month it’s the same thing inside the article. They give you a 1200-1300 calorie diet to follow and some sort of exercise plan. YES! That is the key to losing weight! It’s too bad they promote it by saying the beets in your morning smoothie will flush out 2lbs per day. They were so close to having it right, then they inject it with so much false hope that women are guaranteed to give up in a week.
So my point is, when you are reading these magazines that aren’t mostly or all focused towards health and fitness (like OXYGEN! it’s AMAZING AND IMFORMATIVE!), don’t take the crazy tips to heart.
food for thought,
Laxatives Do Not Make Binging Better |
What To Eat: Gas Station Edition
Gas Station Foods That Won't Ruin You
I don’t know about you guys, but there has been tons and tons of occassions where gas station or convenience stores were my only option for a snack. This has occured on road trips, quick runs with friends at night, and quick snack grabbing between point A and B. I know stores like WaWa and Sheetz have anything your heart deisres, so this is geared towards the smaller stores with not many options. Believe it or not, you can get something to eat without it being 2 hostess cupcakes and some pizza combos. It’s all about those hidden treasures…
Snack #1 - Pure Protein Bar
These bars are amazing because they taste like a candy bar, fill you up, and are filled with fiber and protein.
One bar has:
200 calories
6g fat
16g carbs
20g protein
Snack #2 - Cereal Bowls
Most gas stations will offer dry single serving bowls of cereal. Depending on if you are going for a nutrtitious snack or a no guilt sweet treat, here are some good options.

Cheerios and Kix are great for when you want something healthy, and for a few additional calories Honey Nut Cheerios and Cookie Crisp make a great sweet treat.
Cheerios - 150 calories
Kix - 135 calories
Cookie Crisp - 200 calories
Honey Nut Cheerios - 200 calories
Snack #3 - Jack Link’s Beef Jerky (or other similar brands)
I have never been to a convenience store that doesn’t carry this stuff. If you thought beef jerky was only for your uncle ralph to snack on while hes watchin wrestling with the guys, THINK AGAIN! Beef jerky is amazing, low cal and high protein. Be careful though, slim jims and other fatty types are horrible for you. Make sure you are getting the 98% fat free turkey jerky or beef jerky. You can choose regular or peppered. Here are the 3 best size options with their stats…

Snack #4 - Kashi GoLean Chocolate Caramel Crunchy Bars

I am officially obsesed with these, they make a great filling treat, you feel like you are splurging. I like to eat it slowly and savor every bite!
150 calories
28g carbs
3g fat
8g protein
6g fiber
Other honorable mentions that may be avaliable:
Hard boiled eggs
String Cheese (part-skim)
Apple slices
Sugar-Free Gum/candy
Snack #1 - Pure Protein Bar
These bars are amazing because they taste like a candy bar, fill you up, and are filled with fiber and protein.
One bar has:
200 calories
6g fat
16g carbs
20g protein
Snack #2 - Cereal Bowls
Most gas stations will offer dry single serving bowls of cereal. Depending on if you are going for a nutrtitious snack or a no guilt sweet treat, here are some good options.
Cheerios and Kix are great for when you want something healthy, and for a few additional calories Honey Nut Cheerios and Cookie Crisp make a great sweet treat.
Cheerios - 150 calories
Kix - 135 calories
Cookie Crisp - 200 calories
Honey Nut Cheerios - 200 calories
Snack #3 - Jack Link’s Beef Jerky (or other similar brands)
I have never been to a convenience store that doesn’t carry this stuff. If you thought beef jerky was only for your uncle ralph to snack on while hes watchin wrestling with the guys, THINK AGAIN! Beef jerky is amazing, low cal and high protein. Be careful though, slim jims and other fatty types are horrible for you. Make sure you are getting the 98% fat free turkey jerky or beef jerky. You can choose regular or peppered. Here are the 3 best size options with their stats…
Snack #4 - Kashi GoLean Chocolate Caramel Crunchy Bars
I am officially obsesed with these, they make a great filling treat, you feel like you are splurging. I like to eat it slowly and savor every bite!
150 calories
28g carbs
3g fat
8g protein
6g fiber
Other honorable mentions that may be avaliable:
Hard boiled eggs
String Cheese (part-skim)
Apple slices
Sugar-Free Gum/candy
Brotips: On Having a Good Support System As it Relates to Fitness: Find People Who Want to Help You Loose Weight |
food for thought
Bad Dancing Bad Dancing = My Form Already Being Bad Before I'm About to Pass Out on the Treadmill |
Finally, Someone Understands! |
A Wrench In My Plans
Today I found out some bad news. But, that's ok.... I'll just have to modify my work out regiment. I don't know if I'm going to keep up the rate at which the pounds are falling off, but THEY WILL FALL OFF. It just may take longer ; )
Motivation Pic
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