Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to enjoy a small treat without binging

Most of you that have been dieting know what a binge is like. That awful feeling after knowing you’ve gained at least 5 pounds in food weight. This feeling is so awful that most of us avoid trigger foods in order to prevent a binge.
Sometimes allowing yourself a small treat once in a while can actually prevent full on binges because you aren’t feeling deprived. So how do you enjoy your small treat without going off of the deep end? It’s simple. Eat it in the middle of your meal.
When we begin a meal with a treat we connect that treat to feeling satisfied and happy. When we eat it at the end the thought of what you just ate stays lingering in your mind.
Try eating half of your meal, having your treat slowly, then finishing off your meal. The craving to binge is reduced significantly.
A great treat? A few ounces of dark chocolate.
Oh and if you are reading this at home, crank out 100 crunches right now. Why not? ;)
