This book is one that is not often discussed in the diet/exercise world. Throughout my whirlwind of different diets, this is the one that gave me the body that I was satisfied with.
What it is: An exercise regimine broken down into 7 stages. Now don’t freak out, but the exercises focus mainly on WEIGHT TRAINING, with the only cardio being High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a few times per week in certain stages. NO, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TURN INTO MUSCLE WOMAN. It battles the misconception that women need to spend hours on the treadmil to get the results that they want. It gives you a vague meal plan to follow which is open to interpretation.
What I did: I followed the stages exactly, I only made it to stage 5 then school started and I fell away from this. I also at around 1350-1400 calories instead of the reccommended 1600. Lastly, I added an extra hour or so of cardio into the routine, doing it only on days I wasn’t following the routine.
Who should do it: I would reccomment this for girls at the goal weight, or ones with 30 pounds or less to lose. It isn’t for girls that are scared to lift weights. It’s for girls who don’t mind hangin’ with the boys at the gym.
My results: When I was following this I dropped about 12 pounds to my UGW of 116lbs. I had a seriously flat stomach and I never thought that was possible on my body type. This book is no joke.
Where to buy it: borders, barnes and noble,