I’m so proud of myself. I want to lose 10-15 more pounds then I’ll be happy. In 2009 I went on medication for my PCOS. What the doctors didn’t know at the time is that combination hormone pills are actually BAD for my condition. I gained 45+ pounds in less than two months. Not knowing it was the pills I continued to take them. My face broke out in cystic acne, and my voice got a little deeper. It really messed up my hormones. I fell into depression about my climbing weight and started some destructive behavior. I tried dieting, exercise, and supplements to lose the weight, but nothing seemed to be working. I had no idea that the Pcos was keeping the weight on me and making it near impossible to lose the weight. I managed to get down to 170 in 2010 after seriously decreasing my food intake and using slim quick. But it didn’t last. I stopped taking my pills cold turkey and within weeks I was down to 160. Just this January I went on a progestin only pill and my weight just started coming off. My acne was clearing up and I felt so much better. The scars, stretch marks, and extra skin remain as a reminder, but I am happy with my body. These are a few photos from the past two years. |

Monday, August 1, 2011
Before & Afters