Monday, August 8, 2011


if I were to die tomorrow, and I...

never wore a size 2 dress
never ran a marathon in under 5 hours
never had my thighs not rub together when I run
never got to wear a bikini on a beach, [or in general, for that matter]
never had natural thigh muscles, when walking down a street
never had a smooth, cellulite free bum
never owned anything with size ‘small’ on it’s label
never wore a sweater dress, with a belt [especially at Christmas time]
never went for a run in short (short!) shorts
never got rid of my legs’ beloved cankles
never stood naked comfortably, in front of the mirror
never stood naked comfortably, in front of another person
never got to feel (or see!) my hip bones
never had arm definition, when I reached for something high
never got to watch a movie with a boy, without a pillow on my lap
never wore a white tshirt with jeans in public
never got to see one hundred and twenty five pounds on the scale…
if I were to die tomorrow, and none of these things had happened, I’d still die a happy and content camper, because as it turns out, none of these things really matter.
