Sunday, October 20, 2013
Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA for so long. I've actually been horribly sick since my last post, so pretty much everything has gone out of the window. I'm still nauseous and my appetite is pretty null, but I want to get back into my routine as soon as possible. Crazy amount of apps due be tomorrow back home so I've been up working nonstop to fine tune everything, which hasn't been the best for my health. I'm not going to set an alarm tonight so I can try and get some rest and I'll wake up and turn everything in tomorrow. I'm sleepy so I'd rather be coherent when I hit submit lol. My account was approved for AdSense (yay) so I'm pretty jazzed about that. Not jazzed, however that I couldn't work out this week and my fruits and veggies spoiled since I became too sick eat (I'll spare the details) and now I'm still having a little trouble keeping food down. Need to do some light busy work before I get ready for bed. Till tomorrow :)