Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Successful first day of weaning myself off sugary drinks. No coffee or soda! My lunch made me a little sick so I just had something bland for dinner. I woke up too late to eat breakfast though...#notcool. I took a super long nap today and I realized that I'm actually pretty caught up in all my classes coming off my crazy weekend so I can take it easy tonight. I'm still going to get a lot of work done, but I can stop whenever I want which is awesome. I ended up getting to bed at 4am...ugh. It made getting through class tough, but I took a mental health break and skyped my friends and family yesterday, which is why everything got pushed back. Plus I napped lol. It's so important to try and maintain balance when possible. No, getting to bed that late is not great, but I felt so much better after I talked to my friends so it was worth it. I really feel like doing a circuit so I may try doing one today or tomorrow!