Monday, October 7, 2013
Mood was crazy off today. I finally got some work done last night and today, but man, I did not have the energy to do most of it. I still feel kinda blah right now. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I'm going to give myself another break and go to the store then come back and do some work. I'm really not feeling dinner right now (which is bad, I know), but I ate a bigger lunch and I don't have the energy to cook right now, which is why I ate out earlier. On the bright side, my tummy feels better and I don't think my week will be super stressful because I am getting a lot of work done now. I was feeling pretty stressed out earlier, but I think I'm starting to calm down again and rationalize where I'm at with some stuff. I kinda realized that I'm not behind and that the amount of internship related work I have to do isn't that bad. I'm also hoping my new study method works well for class tomorrow. Despite my lack of motivation right now, I want to try and move away from having to write everything down...I kinda need to talk to someone about something. I've been trying to wait a week, but its starting to eat away at me and I don't think I'll really feel better until I say something. It's nothing bad, but it's probably going to open up a can of worms that I'm not going to want to deal with. I don't really like talking about my feelings y'all :3 I'll blog about it afterwards, promise lol.