Thursday, October 3, 2013
I'm having horrible sugar cravings coming off of my vacation :3 These next couple of days are going to be hard. I did ok today. I was able to fight most of my cravings today. I started doing some lat night snacking before I left and I was able to keep myself from buying my go-to treat when I went to the store. For lunch, ended up going across the street and getting a dish that I normally like to eat and I realized today that 1) not only was it not as good as I remembered it being a week ago, but 2) it wasn't worth it. I've worked really hard. Today might not necessarily count though due to my eating schedule was off because I slept most of the day, had no food in my room, and had no energy to do anything other than make it to the store and buy food for the next two days. I don't think I'll be getting that dish again nor will I keep buying my late-night snack. I also bought a scale and water pump today! Weighing in will definitely help me stay determined with keeping up with the weight-loss goals I've set for myself and now I can drink as much as I want each day. I'm going to try and worry less about getting off track and focus more on eating and working out regularly. Gym tomorrow.