Pretty great day! Made it to the gym. Don't think I'm going to tomorrow (need to give my ankle a rest and I have a good 4 hours worth of errands to run). I went back and forth about if and when I was going to go and I'm glad I went early AND did 3 sets of weights and my circuit. I really did not want to today....Did pretty good food wise too. Still kind of hard planning well-spaced out meals because I don't have my class schedule to help pace me so I felt pretty hungry at least twice today, but I'm pretty proud of myself for not grabbing junk food or eating out for dinner. I just ate, which is pretty late for me, but I made myself go buy veggies and cook them. Another step in the right direction! Hung out with my sister for a couple of hours which was superb! We walked around her campus and saw what was left of the leaves. Very pretty. I ended up eating out today for lunch and it had meat in it, but I think I did pretty well regardless. Supes excited for tomorrow. Going to buy at least one new lipstick. I also got 2 interviews over the past day! Even though they aren't through my career preparation program, they could turn out to be great opportunities so I'm going to treat them like they are my only opportunities. Hoping they go well next week!
~inner peace, self love and a positive attitude