It's more a pride thing.
I didn't come here to just skirt along. I'm going to try and keep this is in perspetive though for the sake of my stress levels and just work on improving vocabulary level and participation in class. That's more important in the long run.
I took a long break today after my exam, re-did my hair and talked to my sister. I feel refreshed and ready to own these next set of exams! I'm really enjoying having a better relationship with my sister. I also received mad compliments on my call last night in front of my peers. Made me so happy. My friend also converted to me KPop ( I was like half way there already lol) so we had a great conversation about that, plus she showed me an indie music site that's pretty fantastic so that made me happy too!
Operation turned out pretty ok today. Pretty happy with today even though I ended up eating out and getting a chicken dish for lunch. I think I was craving the protein, but that's probably because I really havent had much over the past couple of days. My meals plans that I made for next couple of days are pretty balanced so I think everything will be ok. I was able to reel myself back in for dinner and steam a sweet potato so I'm pretty proud of that small victory. I've been reminding myself of Operation 16, what the real purpose of food is and how I feel after I eat something help deal with my cravings. I honestly can't handle sweet stuff anymore. My blood sugar was alllllll over the place these past two days and its because of the chocolate and little itty bit of coffee I had.
Gonna get up tomorrow and grab my fruits and veggies for the day. I'm going to be spending a lot more time cooking and doing food prep moving forward.
~inner peace, self love and a positive attitude