Thursday, August 22, 2013


Fantastic workout. Felt kinda crummy around dinner time. I realized I don't really like doing solid foods for dinner so I might switch over to shakes and soups (with side salads) for a while. I know I need to eat, but instead of trying to force myself to eat stuff like pasta with veggies when I get home, I'm going to start taking that for lunch and doing lighter stuff at night. I also need to get back to eating more fruits and veggies so changing when I eat certain types of foods may help with that. Had coconut milk ice cream for dinner. I wanted to try something new, keep myself from ordering Chinese food ( I wanted a little bit of comfort), and find something other than pasta and veggies to eat (again not feelings the dense foods thing right now). It was ok. I'd get it again and its good to know that it exists in the universe so I don't feel sad about having to give it up. Ice cream was the only thing I've really missed so far...Feeling pretty tired. Ton of stuff to do, but I might put some of it to the side and get some more sleep.

-1,094Net Cals