Friday, August 12, 2011

A 320 Calorie Snafu

I am pissed at myself. 

I just ate two packets of oatmeal.

It's not that im upset about the oatmeal per say given that it was at least healthy.
Plus, I dont really think eating two packets of oatmeal counts as binging. 

I'm pissed upset because I at two slices of pizza around 5/6:00. That poor decision messed up the rest of my day. 

It wasn't a poot decision bc it was pizza. It was a poor decision because I ate a super high calorie dinner during a time when I just eat a snack so i can have dinner later. 
I dont usually eat pizza so it was a fun meal, which i have no problem eating every now and then. I'm a little peeved that today, a fruits and veggies, was interrupted by eating pizza. I figured that I would have been depriving myself it I had tortured myself by not eating something that I don't eat too often (not including the lower cal pizza mini meals I had this week) and I would have just been miserable. No food is off limits and the restaurant that makes it is really good so I knew it would be worth the splurge. 

The only problem was that I had only eaten 4 times today after I had ate the pizza so naturally, I was expecting to eat again, but I was already over on calories. My body is used to eating on this schedule and it's been really beneficial...just not right now.

Next time, I will do one slice of pizza and a salad. 

Mark my words!

Less pissed, but I glad I understood why it happened.

I'm making progress