Monday, August 5, 2013


No gym today :/ Pretty bummed. Tomorrow, I'm going to try going before work. I think if I wait until I get home at the end of the day, I'll be too tired to go. Yeah, it'll be a pain to get up, but at least I'll know that I got it done and out of the way. The picnic that I was at didn't really have vegan options so I grabbed a banana before I left and got a cookie while I was there. Still working on my sweet tooth. My baked yam for dinner was so tasty! I forgot to steam my veggies for my stir fry so it ended up not tasting just like I wanted it to, but that's ok. For some reason, my appetite has been off over these past couple of days so I just a) haven't been hungry or b) interested in eating all of my food. I know I'm not eating enough but I don't want to force myself to finish food that I'm not hungry for. Hopefully cardio in the morning and on the weekends will help with that too. Going to get to bed soon since I have to get up pretty early!

A Grade
1,040 Calories
-988 Net Cals
27 Points