Sunday, November 10, 2013


Feeling kinda blah. Not about my exams (which I'm going to ace tomorrow by the way), but about my weight, getting interviews and my general look. I don't know what, but the uncertainty, lack of progress and lack of improvement in the areas kinda bummed me out about an hour ago. Trying to get back on track, even though I did eat out for dinner due to time contraints (and I'm going to have the do the same thing for lunch too), and I've already put working out back on my calendar. While, I don't think I've gained any weight per say (I have to wait a couple more days to weigh in) and my skin has improved since I've been here, I just thought I'd be further along by now.....In happier news, I'm looking forward to my meal plan this week. I've got to be careful with my calorie intake though. I finally got around to trying to plug in/ guess how much I consume each day with my meal plan for today in CalorieCount. Even though my meals are pretty healthy, I'm still eating too much per day considering I haven't been working out. It was a nice wake up call. Looking forward to the rest of this week past Tuesday morning. I'll be able to relax, workout, Skype my friends and do my hair (exam struggles y'all....). I definitely feel a lot better writing this post. All I can do tomorrow is taking my exams. I know all of the material like the back of my hand. Everything else is out of my control.

Wish me luck!

~inner peace, self love and a positive attitude